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obama vs romney 2008

[156] This was also the case in Virginia, where much higher turnout among African Americans propelled Obama to victory in the former Republican stronghold. The Constitution Party nominated writer, pastor, and conservative talk show host Chuck Baldwin for president, and attorney Darrell Castle from Tennessee for Vice President. President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. Le candidat du parti libertarien a été désigné lors de la convention nationale du 26 mai à Denver dans le Colorado, à l'issue du sixième tour de scrutin. [178] In many ways, he was successful. Dès le début de la campagne générale, à la suite des conventions démocrate et républicaine, Barack Obama maintient une avance considérable sur son opposant conservateur. Cartogram of popular vote with each county rescaled in proportion to its population. Broken down by age group, voters under 35 voted for Obama by a large majority with McCain most popular among voters over 60. Article Two of the United States Constitution provides that the President and Vice President of the United States must be natural-born citizens of the United States, at least 35 years old, and residents of the United States for a period of at least 14 years. This out-of-touch image was further cultivated when, on September 15, the day of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, at a morning rally in Jacksonville, Florida, McCain declared that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," despite what he described as "tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall Street. McCain also appeared at several campaign stops with his still-active 95-year-old mother. Election 2008: Obama vs. Giuliani and Romney Obama Opens Lead Over Giuliani and Romney. Clinton remporte la primaire du Dakota du Sud, Obama celle du Montana. His ineffectiveness in the negotiations and his reversal in decision to attend the debates were seized upon to portray McCain as erratic in his response to the economy. As of 2020[update], this election is the last time that Indiana and North Carolina voted Democratic, and is also the most recent election where one of the nominees has since died. Early campaigning focused heavily on the Iraq War and Bush's unpopularity. Crespino, Joseph. L'élection de 2008 est la première depuis 1952 où ni le président sortant, ni le vice-président sortant ne sont candidats. In October 2007, liberal commentators accused Russert of harassing Clinton over the issue of supporting drivers' licenses for illegal immigrants. Red represents counties that went for McCain; blue represents counties that went for Obama. Candidats du Parti socialiste des travailleurs : Étant né au Nicaragua, Roger Calero, même élu, n'aurait pu accéder à la présidence. [7] Clinton announced intentions to run in the Democratic primaries on January 20, 2007. Almost a quarter of Americans saw something about the election in an online video. The committee decided to seat delegates from Michigan and Florida at the convention in August, but to only award each a half-vote. "[133] Author Erica Jong commented that "our press has become a sea of triviality, meanness and irrelevant chatter. "[131][132], In an op-ed published on April 27, 2008 in The New York Times, Elizabeth Edwards wrote that the media covered much more of "the rancor of the campaign" and "amount of money spent" than "the candidates' priorities, policies and principles. [116] YouTube and other online video outlets allowed candidates to advertise in ways like never before. [141] Obama appeared just before midnight Eastern Time in Grant Park, Chicago, in front of a crowd of 250,000 people to deliver his victory speech. [74][75][76] In March 2008, Bush endorsed McCain at the White House,[77] but did not make a single appearance for McCain during the campaign. Barack Obama, candidat à la présidence, sénateur de l'Illinois. Malgré la suppression de la moitié des délégués républicains du Michigan et de la Floride, la campagne républicaine se déroule dans ces États ; les démocrates se focalisent sur le Nevada et la Caroline du Sud, qui ont la permission exceptionnelle d'avancer leurs primaires. Et Obama conquit l'Amérique. This is reflected in declines in support for Obama among most voter subgroups, and particularly among white subgroups. [172], Source: Exit polls conducted by Edison Research of Somerville, New Jersey, for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News.[173]. Diplômé en Droit et Affaires de Harvard, il fait carrière dans la finance et crée le fonds Bain Capital avec lequel il fait fortune. Obama campaigned on the theme that "Washington must change," while McCain emphasized his experience. [129] Another Pew survey, conducted after the election, found that 67% of voters thought that the press fairly covered Obama, versus 30% who viewed the coverage as unfair. Mike Huckabee, ancien gouverneur de l'Arkansas. Polls regularly found the general electorate as a whole divided more evenly between 'change' and 'experience' as candidate qualities than the Democratic primary electorate, which split in favor of 'change' by a nearly 2-1 margin. McCain also scored wins in seven other states, picking up 574 delegates. C'est la première fois, également, qu'un candidat afro-américain (encore inconnu du grand public peu de temps avant l'élection) est susceptible de remporter le scrutin. La Pennsylvanie est le seul État à voter en avril, le 22. Obama et McCain ont 24 ans et 240 jours d'écart, la plus grande différence d'âge entre deux principaux candidats de l'histoire du pays, dépassant l'écart entre Bill Clinton et Bob Dole en 1996 (23 ans et 28 jours). McCain secured the Republican nomination by March 2008, defeating former Governors Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and other challengers. Les deux candidats principaux auraient pu devenir chacun le premier président né à l'extérieur des États-Unis continentaux : Obama est né à Honolulu (Hawaï), et McCain à Coco Solo, dans la zone du canal de Panama, une base navale américaine.

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