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luitgard wife of charlemagne

However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. She did not have any children with the king and died of unknown causes. William also left a widow, Liègard (Liutgard), who died in 985. She is recorded as being the niece of his first wife, Sprota (Adela). "Domnus Tetbaldus comes Turonis" withdrew his claims to a serf in favour of the monks of Saint-Martin de Tours by charter dated 957, signed by "domni Tetbaldi comitis, Tetbaldi filii ipsius…Alberici Aurelianensium vicecomitis…"[40]. Little is known about her life, because, like all women related to Charlemagne, she became notable only from a political background, recording her parentage, wedding, death, and her role as a mother. En 943, en héritant de son père Herbert II de Vermandois, elle procure à sa descendance le comté de Provins et la succession du comté de Champagne. A member of the politically prominent Sarantapechos family, she was selected as Leo IV's bride for unknown reasons in 768. Liutgard did not have any children with Charlemagne and died on June 4, 800 of unknown causes. "Odo comes" restored "villam…Culturas" to the abbey of Marmoutier by charter dated 3 May 983, signed by "Berte comitisse uxoris eius, majoris filii eius Teutboldi, minoris filii eius Odonis adhuc in cunabulo quiescentis"[56]. The nature of this relationship is variously described as concubinage, a legal marriage, or a Friedelehe. De hadde ikke barn Andre gang giftet hun seg med Thibaut II greve av Blois sønn av Thibaut I den gamle. Heu genitrix regum, heu decus atque dolor! 3. 772–4 December 811), Duke of Maine, and crowned King of the Franks on 25 December 800 - Carloman, renamed Pippin (April 777–8 July 810), King of Italy - Adalhaid (774), who was born whilst her parents were on campaign in Italy. "Domnus Tetbaldus comes Turonis" withdrew his claims to a serf in favour of the monks of Saint-Martin de Tours by charter dated 957, signed by "domni Tetbaldi comitis, Tetbaldi filii ipsius…Alberici Aurelianensium vicecomitis…"[28]. Steven Fanning; Bernard S. Bachrach (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Inc., 2011), p. 21 n. 77. or the savage Po and the Tiber of Romulus, William also left a widow, Liègard (Liutgard), who died in 985. She is recorded as being the niece of his first wife, Sprota (Adela). m GUY Vicomte de Thouars, son of EBLES Vicomte de Thouars & his wife Altrude de Limoges.]. was the fourth and last wife of Charlemagne. Parents: Héribert II de Vermandois & Adela de France, 2. of that shining heart which adorned the soul within. A group of nobles conspired to assassinate Æthelred in April 796 and he was succeeded by Osbald: Osbald's reign lasted only twenty-seven days before he was deposed and Eardwulf became king on 14 May 796. "La reine Berthe et ses enfants Thibaud, Eudes et Agnès" confirmed a donation to Bourgeuil by Emma Ctss de Poitiers dated Sep 1001[78]. d) AGNES de Blois . Cigniferumque Padum Romuleumque Tybrim, After her, his first wife was Desiderata, daughter of Desiderius, king of the Lombards; married in 770, annulled in 771. 2. He resigned in favour of his younger brother and became a priest. His third wife was Fastrada, married 784, died 794. “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard), by charter dated to [980][26]. "Hugonis ducis, Odonis comitis, Hugonis sanctæ Bituricensis archipræsulis, Letgardis comitissæ, Bertæ comitissæ, Gauzfridi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter dated 985 under which "Robertus" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis", on the advice of "Odonem, simul cum sua matre Ledgarde, pariterque dominam meam Bertam, ipsius æque coniugem"[45]. Cumque Getis duris plangit Hibera cohors. Hildegard (c. 754[2] – 30 April 783), was a Frankish queen consort who was the second[3] wife of Charlemagne and mother of Louis the Pious. Concubinages and illegitimate children: 6. m ([978/80]) as her first husband, BERTHE of Burgundy, daughter of CONRAD I “le Pacifique” King of Burgundy [Welf] & his second wife Mathilde de France [Carolingian] ([964/965]-16 Jan after 1010). Nome completo: ou Liutgard von Alemannien. 5. An idealized portrait painted by Franz Weiß was part of the facade of the local Landhaus. Together with her husband, she was the main benefactress of the Monastery of Kempten (founded in 752), who received financial and political support. De hadde barna Thibaut, Hugues, Eudes (Odo) og Emma,*. It is unknown if Charlemagne planned his marriage before the sudden death of Carloman or was just a part of the purposeful incorporation of his younger brother's Kingdom, in detriment of the claims of his nephews. This page was last edited on 10 November 2020, at 19:49. She married Charlemagne in 794 and died of unknown causes on 4 June 800. "Teutbaldi comitis, Teutbaldi junioris, Gausfredi comitis, Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum…" subscribed the charter dated Sep 960 under which "Aremburgis" donated property to Saint-Florent de Saumur[29]. "Teutbaldi comitis, Teutbaldi junioris, Gausfredi comitis, Hugonis comitis Cenomannorum…" subscribed the charter dated Sep 960 under which "Aremburgis" donated property to Saint-Florent de Saumur[41]. When Charlemagne divided his empire among his sons, his son Charles was designated King of the Franks. He succeeded [his father] in [942] as THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours. Dapsilis et cunctis condecorata bonis. Rodulfus Glauber names "Odo natus ex filia Chuonradi regis Austrasiorum, Berta nomine"[62]. [20] Pope Adrian I, in a letter to Charlemagne, expressed his condolences over the untimely death of Hildegard. e) THIERRY de Blois (-[996/Sep 1101], bur Chartres Saint-Père). [5] Quae tantum clarae transcendit stirpis alumnos, Einhard names "Liudgardam Alamannam" as King Charles's fourth wife, specifying that she died childless[81]. m ([943/44]) as her second husband, LUITGARDIS de Vermandois, widow of GUILLAUME I “Longuespée” Comte [de Normandie], daughter of HERIBERT [II] Comte de Vermandois [Carolingian] & his wife Adela [Capet] (before 925-14 Nov after 985, bur Chartres, Abbaye de Saint-Père). Après 935, il épousa chrétiennement Liégarde, fille d'Herbert II, comte de Vermandois. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVIII Kal Dec" of "Letgardis comitissa"[1324]. Seigneur de Chinon et de Saumur. Hugues, Archbishop of Bourges (d. 985). [11] In 780/781, she traveled with Charlemagne and four of their children to Rome, where the sons Louis and Carloman (the latter renamed Pepin after his baptism by Pope Adrian I) were appointed sub-kings of Aquitaine and Italy respectively. He dominated Brittany as guardian of his nephew Drogo, after the death of his brother-in-law Alain II Duke of Brittany in 952[27]. [35] Iesum nunc precibus, Arnulfe, exores eorum A charter dated May 974 records a donation by "comes Teutbaldus" to Saint-Florent de Saumur[32]. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. [15] But whose words could bring thee greater praise "Odo comes…" signed a charter dated Feb 977 of Chartres Saint-Père[53]. His second wife was Hildegard (757 or 758–783), married 771, died 783. [14], Hildegard made several donations to the monasteries of St. Denis and St. Martin of Tours. "Domnus Tetbaldus comes Turonis" withdrew his claims to a serf in favour of the monks of Saint-Martin de Tours by charter dated 957, signed by "domni Tetbaldi comitis, Tetbaldi filii ipsius…Alberici Aurelianensium vicecomitis…"[40]. "Emme matris eius" subscribed the donation by "Willelmus dux Aquitanorum" of property to St Cyprien, Poitiers by charter dated [990/1004][90]. "Ledgardis" donated property to "Sancti Petri Carnotensis ecclesiam", for the souls of "senioris mei…comitis Tedbaldi…patris mei Heirberti, Trecassini comitis", with the consent of "archipresule…Hugone et…comite Odone, filiis meis", by charter dated 5 Feb 978, signed by "…Emma comitissa Pictavæ urbis…"[36]. The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Berta filia Conradi regis Burgundiæ" wife of "Odone comite Carnotensium"[61]. Hers was a figure of such flowering bright beauty, Quite remarkably, the chronicles never mention either miscarriages or stillbirths, indicating that she was of sturdy health despite her young age at the time of the wedding. bounteous and with goodness all adorned. She was the daughter of an Alamannian count and married Charlemagne around 794. Year 800 (DCCC) was a leap year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar.

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