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taming of the shrew 10 things i hate about you

Taming of the Shrew and 10 Thing I Hate About You are two very similar films. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. I recently watched 10 Things I Hate About You for like the fourth time. Petruchio's main motivation for marriage is money, and in the film Bianca's suitors bribe Patrick into wooing Kat, something he's initially hesitant to do. Finally, the movie is considered feminist, with subtle references to topics that weren't heavily touched upon in cinema at the time and for its depiction of the Stratford sisters' development. A pretty, popular teenager can't go out on a date until her ill-tempered older sister does. | The 20th century has brought new life to this play, with a great deal of changes, but it is still presented in a comical way and it clearly influences the contemporary teenage film 10 things I hate about you. Bianca's desperation for romance turns into a convoluted scheme to match Kat with her male equivalent--a guy whose reputation is so infamous, Kat might rise to the challenge and find him worthy of her concealed charms. She says she regrets it and was dumped soon afterwards; Kat insists that she knows the kind of guy Joey is and that she's trying to protect Bianca from him. A minor though notable difference is the play's use of a framing device. A significant difference is the respective depictions of the male lead. He is then shown around the school by Michael, who will become his best friend. A one-stop shop for all things video games. When she's not writing about the latest film, game, television show, or comic book, she's writing radio ads or updating her personal blog. As a way of apology for hurting Kat, Patrick uses the money Joey paid him to buy Kat a guitar she had been eyeing, expressing that her happiness means more to him than any amount of money. Will Patrick win Kat's heart? and welcome respected audience of the Shakespeare Society. Michael warns that Bianca is shallow, conceited, and worst of all, not allowed to date. The only other thing Patrick and Petruchio have in common otherwise is a love for money. Regardless of whether Katherina's speech is ironic or not, Julia Stiles' Kat Stratford characterization is much more easily discernible. No one had to change and everyone got to decide for themselves what made them happy. Related: A Haunting In Cawdor Tries (& Fails) To Make Shakespeare Scary. Will Cameron win Bianca's? Modern feminism highlights the individual's ability to decide what's best for oneself, and 10 Things I Hate About You is more open and honest with it's feminist leanings than The Taming of the Shrew. During his tour is when Cameron first sees Bianca Stratford, a beautiful sophomore with one problem: she isn't allowed to date. His choice: Patrick Verona, a bad-boy with a mysterious reputation--some say he ate a live duck once, others that he lit a state trooper on fire, and even more claim that he had a brief porn career. What Spider-Man: Far From Home's Shakespeare (Not Star Wars) Quote Really Means, A Haunting In Cawdor Tries (& Fails) To Make Shakespeare Scary, David Harbour Compares Hellboy to Shakespeare, Black Beauty Trailer Reveals First Footage Of Kate Winslet Movie For Disney+, Hamilton: What Aaron Burr Really Thought Of Alexander (Did He Hate Him? With his long hair, leather jackets, and Australian accent, he's "dreamy" in the way teen heartthrobs are often depicted: cavalier and nonchalant when it comes to his relationships with others. While it's hardly one of the best Shakespearean film adaptations, Patrick's journey in 10 Things I Hate About You not only turns the bad boy trope on its head, but it also gives audiences a much more likable male lead to root for. To this end, several of Bianca's suitors scheme to get Patrick/Petruchio to "tame the shrew" and court Kat. Kat is influenced by external factors that also contextualise the film’s setting; she mentions feminists Sylvia Plath and Charlotte Bronte, and is featured reading the former’s novel, Bell Jar, and the film applies ‘riot grrrl’ music ‘of the angry girl variety’, with lyrics such as ‘I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation’ to Kat in order to define her from the opening scene of the movie. However, this reading ignores that that kind of simplistic morality is diversionary entertainment for a drunkard. Plot Keywords Meanwhile, Kat is a much more vulnerable character than even she wanted to admit. While the cast of 10 Things I Hate About You is not lacking in wonderful performances, one of the film's breakout actors was Heath Ledger, who would go on to stun audiences as the Joker in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. While The Taming of the Shrew's possible feminist themes are hidden within its framing device, 10 Things I Hate About You is more overt. Unfortunately, strict rules in the Stratford household forbid Bianca from having a boyfriend until her odious sister has one of her own-a situation that seems highly improbable considering Kat is a social disaster. The Taming of the Shrew, written in the 16th century by William Shakespeare is still a classic but out dated. Some people may know that 1999's romantic comedy 10 Things I Hate About You is based on the 16th century Shakespeare play The Taming of the Shrew, but how do the two compare? I will start by defining a few beneficial terms before discussing how Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew has been appropriated by Gil Junger’s in the 1999 movie, 10 Things I Hate About You. Taglines Coronvirus: Did Shakespeare Write King Lear During an Epidemic? The Taming of the Shrew was written in the Elizabethan Era in England at a time when men were considered to be superior to women. Kat didn't have to change in any real way, and neither did Patrick. Adapted from William Shakespeare's play "The Taming of the Shrew," 10 Things I Hate About You starts off with Cameron, new student at Padua High, sitting in the office of the quirky guidance counselor Ms. Perky. But Kat and Bianca's father alters his house rule: now, Bianca can date... as long as Kat has a date, too. It took an honest conversation and Joey's revelation of his arrangement with Patrick for Bianca to realize that there's value in Kat's experiences, and it took some heartbreak for Kat to value Bianca's softer, more empathetic side. In an attempt to win Bianca, a potential boyfriend desperately attempts to set Kat up with Patrick Verona, another rebel who may just be able to win Kat's heart. Ledger's Patrick Verona is a classic bad boy; he's endlessly charming but doesn't care much what most people say or think about him, and has no interest in fitting in. The first act of The Taming of the Shrew features an unnamed Lord who wants to prank a drunk named Christopher Sly. Related: Coronvirus: Did Shakespeare Write King Lear During an Epidemic? In both stories, the girls' father decides that Bianca is not allowed to date/marry until Kat, the elder sister, is dating/married. Some interpretations of Petruchio suggest that he likes Katherina's strong-willed personality and views the act of "taming" her as an amusing challenge. How events transpire after the exposition is very different from the play. While the setting and time period are contrastive, they represent the original point that is meant to get across. A period when a great deal of anxiety was, must over come the boundaries of differing contexts and explore the strong parallels between them. A modern remake of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, it is a love story that follows a senior in high school, her younger sister, and the various men who become entangled in their lives.I admit I have a soft spot for cheesy romantic comedies and there’s something about 10 Things that really resonates with me.

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