He’s not to be confused with Big Jeff, a tall, stocky white man with a head of messy blond curls. Don’t expect any respect from the staff if you request a Thatchers. Ours for a second, then gone. Despite its imposing architecture, its pillars often smell of stale urine. Sorry if I sound like a grouch. stream Barton Hill Settlement is a community space with a creche, free English classes and, best of all, a cafe selling lovingly made sandwiches for £1.50 and lattes for £1.20. Now run, skip or roll down one of our many hills. Visit Bristol and see Bansky's street art, virtually! MN�&���23/���#������l�JM�9��Yk7Ke&�,��k1� �}�t����(��BO�ՁblV�$����(�$ W����V.�$�c�S��*�b����f� But I’ve been here long enough to know the independent cafe that once stood where that Costa now is, to mourn the clubs I frequented in my student days that have changed their names or disappeared altogether. Stickers around the city demand we Make Bristol Shit Again. But as you landed, a piece of you fell off, broke away,And inside, nothing but air. Plant yourself on the gently worn sofa and eat slow. If you like soca, dancehall or bashment, you’ll lose many hours amongst the sound systems. As you can tell, I’m a zealous Bristol evangelist. L�3A��q�� �-����-���.�+�5�n���ǂ��?�V^o���b0NP��|:|�b���P��sP�v�����k�a�z Here is College Green, where the cast splayed out and smoked spliffs. Just in time, we’re about to set off. ]@���r��1[.� �� ��j,P�@ R"���F������ ��Qls����_?�=����Jx**l���|�h� z���D���2x�W��E��a�>��j�q,%�X�E|�Z���L`}��]��|u;�:* Vanessa Kisuule, Bristol-based writer and performer, and Bristol City Poet for 2018–2020, introduces us to the sights and people of the city as she sees it. Vanessa Kisuule, June 2020. The best weekend breaks from London by train Visit Bristol and see Bansky's street art, virtually! I think of you lying in the harbourWith the horrors you hosted.There is no poem more succinct than that. Act 1. Do marvel at the coppery streaks rippling through the sheer drop of the Gorge. Colston, I can’t get the sound of you from my head. Briefly, you flew, corkscrewed, then met the groundWith the clang of toy guns, loose change, chains, a rain of cheers. I wasn’t born or bred here. Act 1.There is more to come. It’s a wide walkway of pale stone peopled with slick cyclists and lovably terrible skaters who hold court around the war memorial. I love its seemingly banal but quietly magical lake. Just ask that slave trader we threw in the harbour. By Vanessa Kisuule Take up space Don’t wait for permission or approval Don’t let ghostly question marks Haunt the ends of your sentences You don’t always have to be the one Laughing at the jokes You can make them, too And not just about sex or diets or tampons Even as I type, this is ultimately a historical document, a frenzied snapshot of moments and people and places that cannot stand still or stay forever. You came down easy in the end. If you’re done with paying silly money for tepid coffees and rubbery wraps, here lies your refuge. Get more travel inspiration, tips and exclusive offers sent straight to your inbox with our weekly newsletter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But still you are permanent.You who perfected the ratio.Blood to sugar to money to bricks. The best weekend breaks from London by train. Fact: we have the steepest street in the UK. But I’ll sit on my grudges until they come for Jason Donervan, the kebab joint that loyally serves dodgy puns and greasy chips. The salmon coloured tower blocks and drably lit taxi firms aren’t so picturesque, but there’s a reason I’ve brought you here. Bristol’s increasing popularity has caused a spike in house prices, mercenary urban development and the inevitable rash of hipster eateries. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, they lodge themselves in the memory and live there a while. Each bougie building we flaunt haunted by bones.Children learn and titans singUnder the stubborn rust of your name. Welcome to a walking tour unburdened by time, fear or fitness levels. If you close your eyes and concentrate, you can feel them against your skull, fluttering. Vanessa Kisuule is a writer and performer and has been appointed Bristol City Poet 2018 – 2020.She was the recipient of The Jerwood Micro Arts Bursary in 2017 to undertake extensive dance training and also received the prestigious Leverhulme Arts Scholarship in 2017 from Bristol Old Vic.
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