Step 16: Lightsaber #7 (custom): the Whitesaber. This combat form was developed during the transitional period within the Jedi Order from ancient metal swords to more contemporary lightsabers. art of dueling with them developed into seven \"classic\" forms and numerous Form V: Shien/Djem So (The Way of the Krayt Dragon/The Perseverance Form) - Shien was the variant of Form V best displayed by Galen Marek (Starkiller), and Djem So was the primary style of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. After the defeat of the Legion at the hands of the Jedi, Niman was adopted by the Jedi Order, eventually being refined into the sixth form of Then, draw a circle around its base. The first and most simplistic style, Form I is described as the Way of the Sarlaac and is taught as a "tutorial" for students to branch out from. Lightsaber Forms grant a Force User the ability to better use their unique weapon. Seven Forms Of Lightsaber Combat: A Discourse By Craig Page tatoo_gold 2. About Lightsaber Star Wars Weapon. It is said that its practitioners become vulnerable to corruption from the dark side, so Jedi regard this style cautiously (less so the Sith). 2. Learn the basic parry for each zone. Zone 1 - a horizontal parry, in front of or above the head. Zones 2 and 3 - a vertical parry, with the ligh... The