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post classical yoga

They expound the Raja yoga or the eight-fold path, meant to be memorized, as it is not written. It’s important to remember that in the East there is still a gap in gender equality, so yoga teachers are very well respected, especially male teachers. The East and the West share the same foundation when it comes to yoga, but many westerners adapt yogic practices to fit their modern lives. People living in the East have much more traditional values as opposed to many of us living in the West. Yoga found its way to the Western world in the beginning of the 1800’s and was analyzed after being characterized as Eastern Philosophy. It has stood the test of time through the millennia, and it is about time we realise that to ‘do yoga’, is essentially to go beyond the physical and live its philosophy. However, in the West we still purify the body through movement, producing heat and liberating ourselves from stress through a balance of body and mind practices. We equate a 75-minute class to practicing yoga, whereas in the East yoga is seen as a way of life. Through purification practices, yogic postures, and mental control, people now have a better understanding of what we know today as Hatha yoga. The Maitrayaniya Upanishad mentions a six-fold yoga method. Yoga developed a great deal under various schools and branches, but the purpose remained the same – to reach a state of meditative consciousness to know the ultimate truth of our being. Ramayana is the epic of King Rama of Ayodhya, who leads a life of tests and hardships, but nothing can shake his balance and his commitment to the path of Dharma. Post-classical Yoga differs from the first three since its focus is more on the present. It is not coming from the creativity of one individual. Vedanta is the philosophical system based on the teachings of the Upanishads. Although both the East and the West share the same goal, there are still a few things that make us different such as the relationship between teachers and students, clothing, and yoga’s growing popularity. The Yoga Sutra was written by Patanjali around the second century. No matter where we come from or where we live, we all see and feel the benefits of yoga. I felt confident in my ability to discern and understand some of the differences between the eastern and western approaches to yoga. Post-classical Yoga is found to contrast to the yoga of other time periods because of its teachings. The modern period of Yoga begins in the year 1893 with the Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago where Swami Vivekananda vowed the audience with his knowledge. The excavations of Indus Valley Civilisation (3300- 1700 BC) also has evidence of yoga in the form of Pashupati seal, of a man sitting in perfect yogic posture. During his lectures the audience became captivated and amazed by this practice known as Hatha yoga—this later opened the door for others to not only visit the West but for westerners to visit the East. Copyright 2020 - Yoga Insurance & Information, Why Yoga Teachers Need Liability Insurance. Yoga as we know it has been around for more than 5,000 years. The Yoga Sutra is known to be the first set of systematic presentations of yoga. Patanjali organized four books also known as padas and presented the eight-limbed yoga journey toward a super-conscious state of mediation known as Samadhi. A Spooky Sequence to use for Your Halloween Class! Post-Classical Yoga At this point, we see a proliferation of literature as well as the practice of Yoga. 820 A1A N Highway, Suite W18 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. The first mention of yoga was discovered in the Rig Veda, a collection of hymns, mantras, and ritualistic practices used by priests. Lord Krishna answers Arjuna’s questions in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, and helps him realise the true purpose of life and explains the concepts of Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jyana Yoga and Dharma. Post-Classical Yoga. Yoga is not widely practiced or popularized in the East, so it can be somewhat challenging to find a yoga studio when you visit. The beauty of yoga is that it crosses oceans, cultures, genders, and styles. POST CLASSICAL. This is possible only if the body is strong enough to undergo deep meditation, which can only be achieved through practice of asanas. Classical Yoga is universal and not sectarian and can be practiced by all. As co-owner of TRIO Studios based in Wynwood, Miami, Arianne teaches workshops and trainings across the world. Some believe yoga to be around 5000 years old, around the vedic time; whereas some believe it is started with the dawn of civilisation. Expand your knowledge and continue your yoga journey with this eBook all about YTT. Where Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras first emerged and where we see an organization of yoga practices emerge. The asanas are still millennial, the breathing techniques are still the same, and the AUM is still universal. Apart from him, NC Paul, Major D Basu, and Sri Yogendra, Sivananda Saraswati, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, BKS Iyengar, K Pattabhi Jois, contributed greatly to the spread and popularisation of yoga. Some believe yoga to be around 5000 years old, around the vedic time; whereas some believe it is started with the dawn of civilisation. The practice of yoga is a science and a tradition that is passed down to generations so many people in the East practice yoga in the comfort of their own home. Thinking about yoga teacher training (YTT)? This cannot be dismissed as a far-fetched claim, as there is a distinct similarity between the wisdom of all the ancient civilisations of the world. There were many kinds of distinct yoga practice and philosophy during this time. In Post-classical Yoga, yogis are taught to welcome reality rather than stray from it, and live in the present. It was first discovered within ancient ceramic seals that depicted humans in yogic postures, seated with their palms together. The earlier eras saw yogis laying emphasis only on meditation and contemplation. They developed Tantra Yoga, with radical techniques to cleanse the body and … Yoga was formally introduced to the West by a Russian woman named Indra Devi who opened a yoga school in Hollywood during the 1950’s that catered to the stars and socialites. Yoga was introduced in the West during the early 19th century. Eastern vs. Western Yoga: What’s the Difference? Tag: post classical yoga History of Yoga . Yoga evolution . The earliest mention of Yoga, it can be found in Rigveda, one of the four canonical texts of ancient Indian literature, others being Yajurveda, Samveda, and Atharvaveda. They rejected the teachings of the ancient Vedas and embraced the physical body as the means to achieve enlightenment. The pre-classical period witnessed the emergence of various important texts Bhagwad Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, etc. Post-Classical Yoga: Anagha123; March 13, 2020 March 13, 2020; A few centuries after Patanjali, yoga masters created a system of practices designed to rejuvenate the body and prolong life. Classical Yoga is a system of spiritual Knowledge coming from the scriptures (the Vedas), and handed down by a lineage of teachers. It no longer strives to liberate a person from reality but rather teaches one to accept it and live at the moment. For now, let us look at the timeline of yoga. The Rigveda is all about attaining spiritual knowledge emerging out of meditation, involving yogic techniques. Post-classical yoga exposes us to yoga as a transformational practice for health and longevity with the end goal of enlightenment. So, we see how intricately yoga is related to Rigveda, even when it was passed on orally from one generation to the other. To answer this question we must pause and look at what Yoga truly means. The Pre-Vedic and Vedic Period (5000-500 BC). It’s here that we begin to see rituals that when transmitted into action and wisdom can diminish the ego. The ultimate aim of yoga is to attain Samadhi, a state of meditative consciousness by stilling the mind, through intense one-pointed concentration. Through purification practices, yogic postures, and mental control, people now have a better understanding of what we know today as Hatha yoga. We will come back to this later, as it merits an elaborate discussion, not just a paragraph. And if yoga continues to move humanity toward awareness and consciousness, then keep practicing. When I was in India, I made it a priority to attend several yoga classes. In fact, Patanjali is commonly known today as the father of yoga. At this point I had already been teaching yoga in the West for close to a decade. We are not a physical body, we are not a mental body, we are all spiritual souls. The broad horizon of her experience infuses her classes with fun and the sense that one can achieve anything. Vacaspati Misra in his bhasya on Yoga, Tattvavaisaradi states that Yoga has been derived from Yuj meaning concentration and not Yujiv, meaning joining. In Hindu mythology, it is believed that Shiva, regarded as Adiyogi or the first yogi, gave the knowledge of Yoga to the seven Saptarishis or the Seven Sages, who travelled across the globe to disseminate this knowledge. The Katha Upanishad mentions yoga in the same sense as we know today, the Shvetashvatara Upanishad mentions about meditation. The Classical Period is marked by another creation known as the Yoga Sutra. The rishis and high priests utilized and modified the practice during this time then later documented it in the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita. Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). Get ready for a wild adventure on your way a better version of you with this guide all about mindfulness. Yoga is derived from Sanskrit root word Yuj(1), meaning concentration, focus. With over 10 years experience teaching as a dynamic Hatha-Vinyasa and Senior AcroYoga instructor, Arianne focuses on the healing aspects of yoga to unleash the unlocked potentials in the body, meditation, and connecting within. This knowledge that has been lived by the sages, is still enriching our lives. This period in yoga affirms the teachings of Vedanta, that there is ultimate unity in everything in the cosmos. We first saw yoga in the West around the early 1900’s when yoga masters such as Swami Vivekananda traveled to the United States to visit the Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Post-classical yoga exposes us to yoga as a transformational practice for health and longevity with the end goal of enlightenment. So, it is not a series of asanas, as we widely understand today. In present day India, mention must be made of Baba Ramdev, who popularised Yoga and literally took it to the masses through his programs on television. But what mention does Rigveda have of Yoga? With this understanding of how yogic practices have transformed over the last 5,000 years, we tend to see an evolution that leads humanity into not only enlightenment but also mental and physical health. The eight limbs of the Yoga Sutra are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dhyana, Dharana, and finally Samadhi. It becomes apart of morning rituals tied to Hinduism, food, meditation, and asana. The origins of yoga is shrouded in mystery. These aphorisms that were strung together show a path toward enlightenment. It is a complete system in itself, with many different facets. Some of them are Bhakti Yoga – devotion to a personal God for attaining spirituality, Tantra Yoga – focussing on our energies to attain a spiritual state, Hatha Yoga – using the mechanics of the body to attain a higher state of consciousness; and many more. Classes in India do not play pop music nor will you find anyone wearing pricey yoga attire. In the classical era, Patanjali composed the yoga sutras, which consists of 195 aphorisms. But with time, yoga has become a way of life for many people living all over the world. Rigveda is a massive collection of 1028 hymns and 10,600 verses, organised into 10 books, called Mandalas. Today, yoga is a billion-dollar industry, with studios and outdoor classes located all over the world.

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