If this were a conventional romantic comedy, it wouldn’t be half as deep or funny as it is. It delves into some deep material about bipolar disorder and recovery, and still manages to be funny. Thanks to Netflix, ... family-friendly offerings, binge-worthy original series, and more. Here’s the A-Z on all of the Netflix Original comedy series streaming on Netflix … The Characters is one of the more obscure Netflix original series. To truly cement itself as a stellar show, The Characters would need to come back for a second season and repeat the trick, perhaps with a whole new roster of talent. We’ve seen male TV protagonists like this thousands of times, but to give that role to a female feels brave, and it certainly pays off. A Year In The Life wasn’t just a return for Gilmore Girls, it was an evolution of it. The second season of F Is For Family is just around the corner, and it’ll be interesting to see how they continue to balance Frank’s issues with big, genuine laughs and emotional content. Love is one of the very best shows on Netflix. Nor would you find another outlet with such a broad range of comedic concepts, covering everything from talking horses to kidnap escapees, and pretty much everything in-between. All promotional material including but not limited to trailers, images and videos are all copyright to their respective owners. Of course, Taylor Schilling’s Piper Chapman is at the heart of it, but Danielle Brooks, Laverne Cox, Uzo Abuda, and Ruby Rose have also done fine work on the show. How did you feel about these Netflix original comedies? This is incredibly rare, but it proves just how successful the series has become. You’d struggle to find a better cast, or a funnier comedy, on any traditional network. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Netflix is an American global on-demand Internet streaming media provider, that has distributed a number of original programs, including original series, specials, miniseries, and documentaries and films Fingers remain crossed. The show packs in laughs, and it asks you to sympathize at times, all the while shocking you with an endless stream of selfish schemes from Sophia. Another addition to the Netflix original animated comedy series is F is for Family. The set up is that each episode is a 30-minute burst of uniqueness penned by a different stand up comedian. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Not entirely dissimilar to Girlboss, Haters Back Off chronicles the rise of a self-absorbed YouTuber. 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Arnett thrives in the man-child arena once again, playing Chip, a self-help guru who fails to live up to his own pearls of wisdom. The series makes Dev and his supporting characters feel like real people, by giving them genuine problems to grapple with long-term, rather than throwing wacky sitcom moments at them just to fill 20 minutes. How does your favourite fare in this definitive ranking of Netflix comedy shows? But the show itself, which is pitched as a "real loose" adaptation of Sophia’s rise to success, has an awful lot to offer. The show has earned a huge amount of love since its debut in 2013. Are you looking for Netflix Original Stand-up Comedy? Luckily, a second season is on the way. The aforementioned Barrymore stars as a real estate agent who develops a zombie-like taste for human flesh, with Timothy Olyphant playing her husband and Liv Hewson playing their daughter. The set up is that each episode is a 30-minute burst of uniqueness penned by a different stand up comedian. Read on, then, to see our verdict on Netflix Original Comedy Series: Ranked Worst To Best. Living with friends, struggling with work, attempting to connect with your family, and recovering from addiction also play important parts in the plot. List of Netflix Original Comedy Series Last updated: October 11th, 2020 . More please. An impressive cast is assembled, including Atlanta/Deadpool 2 star Zazie Beetz, The Flash movie’s Kiersey Clemons, and Jump Street alum Dave Franco. It might not be high art, but it’s impossible to deny that it has its own brand of unique appeal. As well as serving up cutting observations on the state of modern courting, Master Of None also tackles some really big topics in highly hilarious ways. Heck, even Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo was better than this steaming pile of lacklustre rubbish. Each episode focuses on a different couple, setting up new characters and plot lines, and tying them together when appropriate. Presumably, this show will go on forever, and there won’t be many people complaining about it. The flaws with A Year In The Life were minimal. Seeing the Bluth family interact – even if it’s not as often as they used to, due to scheduling difficulties – is always enough to get viewers chortling. Beloved by many, Grace And Frankie is right up there with the best of Netflix’s comedy programming. The new sketches are quicker and punchier, never allowing the episodes to sag. Hopefully, at some point, they can find room to put another sketch show season together. The scope of Netflix’s comedy ambitions is undeniably impressive. With its third season dropping on Netflix right about now, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is showing no sign of slowing down or dipping in quality. This show is as eye-opening as it is side-splitting. Creator Jenji Kohan, of course, deserves a lot of applause, as does Piper Kerman, whose candid memoir inspired it. There was an error with subscription attempt. How does Emily cope without Richard? The show plonks these attractive young peeps, amongst others, into modern day Chicago and lets sparks/sex/bad behaviour commence. Netflix churns out so much content nowadays that it can be hard to keep up with it all. There’s a ton of great comedies on Netflix which are well worth watching but some of the Netflix Original comedy series are pure genius. Netflix Presents: The Characters is one of the most daringly original comedy shows Netflix has put into the world. It’s impossible to make such a vast number of shows at the same time and have them all be successful winners. As it stands, the most interesting thing about it is the oddness of seeing a multi-camera family sitcom stuffed with swear words. Is Rory actually cut out to be a journalist in this day and age? There’s a ton of great comedies on Netflix which are well worth watching but some of the Netflix Original comedy series are pure genius. The writing gets better year after year, with the reviews improving to match. The premise of Schneider playing himself, and encouraging viewers to sympathise with his high-flying celeb problems, really backfires. An utter treat for fans of the show, Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life is one of the televisual highlights of last year. Once that novelty wears off, you’re left with a fairly generic show. The lack of the opening theme montage felt jarring, and the Stars Hollow musical grated towards the end. 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