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lessons from judges 4

the best liquor her tent afforded was at his service, and that was milk (Judges 4:19), which, we may suppose, he drank heartily of, and, being refreshed with it, was the better disposed to sleep. All we know for sure, besides the account of her story, is that she was a Bedouin and the wife of Heber the Kenite. So fettered was he in the chains of sleep that he could not find his hands. How miserable doth Sisera look now he is dismounted! Consocians morte soporem, so the vulgar Latin, joining sleep and death together, seeing they are so near akin. She therefore stood to her word with a masculine courage this noble heroine arose and went with Barak. III. But two things discouraged him: (1.) The children of Israel would have prevented a great deal of mischief if they had sooner destroyed these Canaanites, as God had both commanded and enabled them but better be wise late, and buy wisdom by experience, than never wise. And now was Sisera least safe when he was most secure. [2.] But, [2.] of . There’s always a temptation, when the theological struggle rages hot, to try to use scripture as a prooftext for our positions. That which aggravated the oppression was, 1. Shamgar is not mentioned here. "Has not God, by a secret whisper to thyself, given thee some intimation of his purpose to make use of thee as an instrument in his hands to save Israel? Some struggles, we may suppose, that brave man had made towards the shaking off of the yoke, but could not effect it till he had his commission and instructions from Deborah. Lastly, We must suppose she kept her tent as quiet as she could, and free from noise, that he might sleep the sooner and the faster. Or she was a woman of illuminations, or of splendours, one that was extraordinarily knowing and wise, and so came to be very eminent and illustrious. Justly therefore is he thus made ashamed of his confidence, and forced to quit it, and thinks himself then most safe and easy when he has got clear of his chariot, though we may well suppose it the best made, and best drawn, of any of them. In his conduct, by telling him, This is the day. And God gives him a complete victory. Those that in God's name call others to their duty should be very ready to assist them in it. You can listen to it here. His act was just the one particular thing he did. It was a direct violation of all the notions of honor and friendship that are usually held sacred among pastoral people, and for which it is impossible to conceive a woman in Jael's circumstances to have had any motive, except that of gaining favor with the victors. had he stood too nicely upon a point of honour, he would have resented it as an affront to have the general slain by any hand but his but now he remembered that this diminution of his honour he was sentenced to undergo, for insisting upon Deborah's going with him (the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman), though then it was little thought that the prediction would be fulfilled in such a way as this. We have seen the army of the Canaanites totally routed. If so, the spirit of prophesy in Deborah confirms the spirit of a soldier in Barak: Go and draw towards Mount Tabor. 1706. Salem Media Group. February 21, 2019 In his courage, by assuring him of God's presence: "Has not the Lord gone out before thee? Judges 5:7 distinctly describes her leadership as of a maternal variety: she nourishes Israel; she does not try to adopt a man’s hardness or masculinity. One thinks of Esther and Huldah, but also of Margaret Thatcher and Joan of Arc. So ingenious have men been in inventing methods of destroying one another, to gratify those lusts from which come wars and fightings. 1. He could do nothing without her head, nor she without his hands but both together made a complete deliverer, and effected a complete deliverance. God is said to call us to his feet (Isaiah 41:2), that is, into obedience to him. Follow him fully then. Jael is one of those women of the Bible who we don’t get a lot of details or background on. 8. It is common still in the East to administer justice in the open air, or under the canopy of an umbrageous tree. 3. "Matthew Henry Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible". The Rabbin say she had employed herself in making wicks for the lamps of the tabernacle and, having stooped to that mean office for God, she was afterwards thus preferred. 2And the LORD sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, that reigned in Hazor the captain of whose host was Sisera, which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles. She gave him an express promise of success I will (that is, God will, in whose name I speak) deliver them into thy hand so that when he saw them drawn up against him, according to Deborah's word, he might be confident that, according to her word, he should soon see them fallen before him. She assured him that the matter should be determined by one pitched battle, and should not be long in the doing. The year of the redeemed at length came, when Israel was to be delivered out of the hands of Jabin, and restored again to their liberty, which we may suppose the northern tribes, that lay nearest to the oppressors and felt most the effects of his fury, did in a particular manner cry to God for. 16. they are cast into a dead sleep, and so are made to sleep their last, Psalm 76:5,6. It was a divine warrant that justified her in the doing of it and therefore, since no such extraordinary commissions can now be pretended, it ought not in any case to be imitated. II. She realizes that her womanhood is actually a strength to be leveraged in her leadership, not a weakness to be discarded. Nothing would be a greater satisfaction to him than to have the prophetess with him to animate the soldiers and to be consulted as an oracle upon all occasions. (2.) 2. 9. the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman--This was a prediction which Barak could not understand at the time; but the strain of it conveyed a rebuke of his unmanly fears. The children of Israel came up to her from all parts for judgment, not so much for the deciding of controversies between man and man as for advice in the reformation of what was amiss in things pertaining to God. . "Now they appear most threatening they are ripe for ruin. We should be clear on this, too. That this enemy was nearer to them than any of the former, in their borders, in their bowels, and by this means had the more opportunity to do them a mischief. He kept a strict eye upon them, restrained and punished every thing that looked towards idolatry, and kept them close to God's service. Deborah and Barak are first seen in Judges 4. (2.) 16 But Barak pursued after the chariots, and after the host, unto Harosheth of the Gentiles: and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the sword and there was not a man left. the wife of Lapidoth--rendered by some, "a woman of splendors.". As I noted above, a popular stance on Deborah’s judgeship is that it happened because there were no qualified men in Israel. The name Jael means "mountain goat".Before we talk anymore about Jael, we have to talk about what was going on in Israel at the time.Israel was at war with the Canaanites. They gave Sisera notice of Barak's rendezvous, there being peace at this time between Jabin and that family, Judges 4:17. Israel rescued out of the hands of Jabin. "Complete Commentary on Judges 4:4". Jeshurun waxeth fat and kicketh. When he lay fast asleep she drove a long nail through his temples, so fastened his head to the ground, and killed him, Judges 4:21. When the children of Israel came to her for judgment, with her they found salvation. The bent to backslide is with great difficulty restrained. By the hand of a woman. With his head nailed to the ground, an emblem of his earthly-mindedness. Sisera, Jabin's general, meets him, Judges 4:12,13. And Deborah, a prophetess--A woman of extraordinary knowledge, wisdom, and piety, instructed in divine knowledge by the Spirit and accustomed to interpret His will; who acquired an extensive influence, and was held in universal respect, insomuch that she became the animating spirit of the government and discharged all the special duties of a judge, except that of military leader. 2. Sisera thought he might therefore be safe among them not considering that, though they themselves suffered not by Jabin's power, they heartily sympathized with the Israel of God that did.

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