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karma yoga quotes

Be kind; you're only here for a while. This is a great lesson to learn in life, and when we have learned it fully, we shall never be unhappy; we can go and mix without harm in society anywhere and everywhere.”, “No man is to be judged by the mere nature of his duties, but all should be judged by the manner and the spirit in which they perform them.”, “To work we have the right, but not to the fruits thereof:” Leave the fruits alone. Discover and share Karma Yoga Quotes. They believed that under the millennial religion there would be no more slavery, that there would be plenty to eat and drink; and, therefore, they flocked round the Christian standard. Let us work on, doing as we go whatever happens to be our duty, and being ever ready to put our shoulders to the wheel. Selfless giving presupposes something - that there is a lumunious reality. Those who preached the idea first were of course ignorant fanatics, but very sincere. Be crazy! The secret to enlightenment is kindness and selfless giving. Give of yourself, give of your time and you'll be free. helpful non helpful. Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The yoga of selfless giving is easy for anyone to practice. When you do something for someone else, it's for you. Karma is everything.”- Holly Valance. Jnana, bhakti, yoga and karma - these are the four paths which lead to spiritual freedom. Then surely shall we see the Light!”, “If there were no fanaticism in the world, it would make much more progress than it does now. It is a mistake to think that fanaticism can make for the progress of mankind. helpful non helpful. The true hallmark of how advanced a person is, is how they treat those around them. Karma Quotes and Wise Sayings About Death. Life itself is selfless giving. Whatever we are supposed to have karmically, life gives us. Why”, “Every act of love brings happiness; there is no act of love which does not bring peace and blessedness as its reaction.”, “but I am prepared to go any distance to see the face of that man who can really make a distinction between the sin and the sinner. Now is wanted intense Karma-Yoga with unbounded courage and indomitable strength in the heart. helpful non helpful. In modern times this millennial aspiration takes the form of equality--of liberty, equality, and fraternity. It is easy to say so.”, “When you have trained your mind and your nerves to realise this idea of the world's nondependence on you or on anybody, there will then be no reaction in the form of pain resulting from work.”, “इस जगत् रूप मिश्रण में प्रत्येक परमाण दूसरे परमाणुओं से पृथक् हो जाने की चेष्टा कर रहा है, पर दूसरे उसे आबद्ध करके रखे हुए हैं। हमारी पृथ्वी सूर्य से दूर भागने की चेष्टा कर रही है तथा चंद्रमा, पृथ्वी से। प्रत्येक वस्तु अनंत विस्तारोन्मुख है।”, “leave upon it different pictures, and the result of these combined impressions is what is called man’s “character.” If you take the character of any man it really is but the aggregate of tendencies, the sum-total of the bent of his mind; you will find that misery and happiness are equal factors in the formation”, “It is the worker who is attached to results that grumbles about the nature of the duty which has fallen to his lot; to the unattached worker all duties are equally good, and form efficient instruments with which selfishness and sensuality may be killed, and the freedom of the soul secured. Have the courage to be selfless in a world were such qualities are not admired. “When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. . Quotes on SELFLESS SERVICE / KARMA YOGA by Dr. King There is nothing so satisfying as working for the glory of God in the service of mankind. That is the one ideal placed before us by Eastern philosophy. We're not given this life just for own amusement and pleasures. You are all good and you know all that there is. Before you attain that state, the world will have become quite unfit for any kind of life, and no one will be there. To the grumbler all duties are distasteful; nothing will ever satisfy him, and his whole life is doomed to prove a failure. True”, “स्पर्धा से ईर्ष्या उत्पन्न होती है और उससे हृदय की कोमलता नष्ट हो जाती है। असंतुष्ट तथा तकरारी पुरुष के लिए सभी कर्तव्य नीरस होते हैं। उसे तो कभी भी किसी चीज से संतोष नहीं होता और फलस्वरूप उसका जीवन दूभर हो उठना और असफल हो जाना स्वाभाविक है।”, “In the ocean we cannot raise a wave without causing a hollow somewhere else.”, “आदर्श पुरुष तो वे हैं, जो परम शांत एवं निस्तब्धता के बीच भी तीव्र कर्म का, प्रबल कर्मशीलता के बीच भी मरुस्थल की शांति एवं निस्तब्धता का अनुभव करते हैं। उन्होंने संयम का रहस्य जान लिया है—अपने ऊपर विजय प्राप्त कर चुके हैं। किसी बड़े शहर की भरी हुई सड़कों के बीच से जाने पर भी उनका मन उसी प्रकार शांत रहता है, मानो वे किसी निःशब्द गुफा में हों, और फिर भी उनका मन सारे समय कर्म में तीव्र रूप से लगा रहता है। यही कर्मयोग का आदर्श है, और यदि तुमने यह प्राप्त कर लिया है, तो तुम्हें वास्तव में कर्म का रहस्य ज्ञात हो गया।”, “सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुरुष तो कार्य कर ही नहीं सकते, क्योंकि उनमें किसी प्रकार की आसक्ति नहीं होती । जो आत्मा में ही आनन्द करते है, जो आत्मा में ही तृप्त रहते हैं और जो आत्मा के साथ सदा के लिए एक हो गये हैं उनके लिए कोई कर्म शेष नहीं रह जाता । यही सर्वश्रेष्ठ मानव हैं । इनके अतिरिक्त अन्य सभी को कर्म करना पड़ेगा । पर इस प्रकार कर्म करते समय हमें यह कभी न सोचना चाहिए की हम इस संसार में भी किसी छोटे से छोटे प्राणी तक की तनिक भी सहायता कर सकते हैं । असल में वह हम बिलकुल नहीं कर सकते । संसाररूपी इस शिक्षालय में परोपकार के इन कार्यों द्वारा तो हम केवल अपनी ही सहायता करते हैं । कर्म करने का यही सच्चा दृष्टिकोण है । अतएव यदि हम इसी भाव से कर्म करें यदि सदा यही सोचें कि इस समय जो हम कार्य कर रहे हैं वह तो हमारे लिए एक बड़े सौभाग्य की बात है तो फिर हम कभी भी किसी वस्तु में आसक्त न होंगे । इस विश्व में हम तुम जैसे लाखों लोग मन ही मन सोचा करते हैं कि हम एक महान व्यक्ति है; परन्तु एक दिन हमारी मौत हो जाती है और बस पाँच मिनट बाद ही संसार हमें भूल जाता है । किन्तु ईश्वर का जीवन अनन्त है । ‘ ‘यदि इस सर्वशक्तिमान प्रभु की इच्छा न हो, तो एक क्षण के लिए भी कौन जीवित रह सकता है, एक क्षण के लिए भी कौन साँस ले सकता है?” वे ही सतत कर्मशील विधाता हैं । समस्त शक्ति उन्हीं की है और उन्हीं की आज्ञावर्तिनी है ।”. Karma Yoga Quotes Quotes tagged as "karma-yoga" Showing 1-30 of 57 “Karma yoga is giving food to the hungry, clothes to the needy, shelter to the homeless, education to the uneducated, medicine to the sick, and trees and cleanliness to the environment.” ― Amit Ray, Yoga The Science of Well-Being Be kind, be loving, be generous. The soldier is willing to give their life, perhaps for someone they never even met in their country. You can only be really happy when you become what you really are. The spirit is unattachment to results. Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends, This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. We”, “Christianity was preached just on the basis of the fascination of this fanaticism, and that is what made it so attractive to the Greek and the Roman slaves. Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction - Bhagavad Gita 2:47; Perform all actions forsaking attachment (to their fruits), being indifferent to success and failure. One must follow the path for which one is best suited. You just push these emotions out. 70. Competition rouses envy, and it kills the kindliness of the heart. It's always said that when one is a soldier who dies in battle, you go to a very high world. Though the names 'karma', 'yoga' and 'sannyasa' are different, the truth at the heart of both is the same. Pleasure is not the goal of man, but knowledge. There are persons who elected to give their existence to God. Karma Yoga . 29 Written Quotes. Dare to be differnt. Our duties are determined by our deserts to a much larger extent than we are willing to grant. But in this age, special stress should be laid on karma yoga. The key is detachment. If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Saradananda (1964). It is a mistake to suppose that pleasure is the goal.”, “Although a man has not studied a single system of philosophy, although he does not believe in any God, and never has believed, although he has not prayed even once in his whole life, if the simple power of good actions has brought him to that state where he is ready to give up his life and all else for others, he has arrived at the same point to which the religious man will come through his prayers and the philosopher through his knowledge; and so you may find that the philosopher, the worker, and the devotee, all meet at one point, that one point being self-abnegation.”, “Absolute equality, that which means a perfect balance of all the struggling forces in all the planes, can never be in this world. We must bring light to as many people as possible. helpful non helpful. Karma, Yoga, Compassion 0 Copy quote Jnana, bhakti, yoga and karma - these are the four paths which lead to spiritual freedom. We find, therefore, that all these ideas of the millennium and of absolute equality are not only impossible but also that, if we try to carry them out, they will lead us surely enough to the day of destruction.”, “Our Karma determines what we deserve and what we can assimilate.”, “Just as inequality is necessary for creation itself, so the struggle to limit it is also necessary. “The help which tends to make us spiritually strong is the highest help, next to it comes intellectual help and after that comes physical help.” ― Swami Vivekananda, Karma Yoga: the Yoga of Action 12 likes If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. helpful non helpful. The marvel of the Bhagavad-Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of life's wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion. All are helped on by nature, and will be so helped even though millions of us were not here.

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